WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.
YOUTH PREVENTION(21+): For Existing Adult Smokers And Vapers Only.

Can Vaping While Sick Really Cause Pneumonia?

10/27/2023, 3:35:30 PM 796

Vaping's exploded in popularity lately, specially among young folks and teens. While some tout it as safer than cigs, emerging research shows vaping may have unique health risks...particularly if ya hit the vape when you're already under the weather. This article explores the big question: Can vaping while sick really cause pneumonia?

What is vaping?

Vaping refers to using e-cigs and other vape gizmos like vape pens or mods. These battery-powered gadgets heat liquid into an aerosol the user inhales. The liquid often contains nicotine (though not always), plus stuff like propylene glycol, veggie glycerin, flavors, and additives.  

Vaping gives a nicotine fix without burning tobacco like cigs do. That's why some say it's safer than smoking and could even help folks quit. But vaping's long-term health impacts? The jury's still out.

Is it bad to vape while you have the flu?

Pneumonia’s an infection of the lungs, usually caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi. It leads to swelling and fluid buildup in the lungs' air sacs, making breathing painful and difficult.

While anyone can get pneumonia, smoking cigs is a known risk factor. Could vaping also increase the risk, specially when vaping while sick with a respiratory bug? Here are some ways vaping could pave the way for pneumonia when you're under the weather:

1. Weakened defenses

Inhaling hot vapor regularly can irritate and damage the airways over time. This screws with the lungs' ability to kick out germs and mount immunity against infection. Vaping when you're sick piles extra stress on already overwhelmed defenses fighting a virus. This weakened immunity lets bacteria take hold more easily in the lungs and progress to pneumonia.

2. Increased vulnerability

The propylene glycol and veggie glycerin in vape juice may allow bacteria and fungi to thrive more readily in the lungs. Vaping while sick blasts the lungs with higher loads of these germs when immunity is impaired. This increased vulnerability makes it easier for pneumonia to develop.

3. Bad coughing from vaping

Vaping can cause nasty coughing fits, especially for new users. But serious coughing can propel throat bacteria deeper into the lungs, speeding pneumonia progression if you're vaping while sick with a respiratory infection.

4. Chemical irritation

The various chemicals in vape juice can irritate and inflame the airways over time. This inflammation can impair the lungs' natural cleaning systems that help clear out germs. The extra chemical irritation from vaping while ill likely makes the lungs even more vulnerable to infection and pneumonia.

5. High nicotine exposure

High nicotine levels in vape juice may curb immune cells' ability to respond to lung infections. This effect may be particularly problematic when someone is vaping heavily while already under the weather. The extra nicotine could suppress the body's immune response enough to enable pneumonia to take hold.

6. Toxic damage

Some research indicates vaping chemicals like propylene glycol directly damage airway cells, weakening the lungs' physical barriers against infection. This toxic damage likely worsens when vaping while sick, further crippling the lungs' structural defenses and letting pneumonia-causing bacteria invade more readily.

7. Microbial imbalance

Vaping may alter the natural microbial balance in lung tissues, allowing certain bacteria to overgrow. These shifts in lung flora combined with vaping's immune-weakening effects could set the stage for pneumonia when someone vapes while already ill.

8. EVALI risk

The serious lung condition EVALI has been linked to vaping, especially vaping THC oils. EVALI can cause severe lung inflammation and damage. Vaping while sick with EVALI could drastically impair the lungs' ability to fight off pneumonia infection.

9. Impaired ciliary function

The tiny hair-like structures called cilia in the airways help sweep germs and debris up and out of the lungs. But vaping may damage these delicate cilia. This ciliary dysfunction combined with vaping while ill likely cripples the lungs' physical ability to clear out infection before pneumonia sets in.

10. Reduced phagocytosis

Certain white blood cells in the lungs called macrophages help engulf and destroy bacteria through a process called phagocytosis. Studies show nicotine and other vaping chemicals impair macrophages' phagocytic function. This effect likely further weakens the body's immune defenses against pneumonia when someone vapes while sick.

Does research link vaping while sick to pneumonia?

Research on vaping is emerging since e-cigs are pretty new. But some studies provide early evidence that vaping while under the weather substantially raises pneumonia risk:

  • A 2020 case study described a teen hospitalized with pneumonia after vaping weed while sick with Covid symptoms. Docs concluded the vaping while ill likely brought on the pneumonia.
  • A 2019 study found e-cig use to be an independent pneumonia risk factor, with even higher risk combined with smoking.
  • Analysis of FDA data identified 15 pneumonia cases linked to vaping between 2010-2018. Half occurred in folks vaping while sick with flu-like illnesses.
  • In a 2021 study, vapers were about 3 times more likely to report a pneumonia diagnosis compared to people who never vaped or smoked. Risk was highest for dual users.
  • Research in mice exposed to aerosolized propylene glycol found impaired ability to fight pneumonia, indicating vaping could weaken defenses.

In a recent review, researchers noted consistent evidence that vaping can alter lung immunity and structure, potentially increasing pneumonia susceptibility.

Vaping precautions to potentially reduce pneumonia risk

For those committed to vaping, certain measures could help decrease pneumonia risk when vaping while under the weather:

1. Avoid vaping at hotter temps that can irritate airways and spur infection.

2. Pre-heat vape juice with primer puffs before hitting it hard to reduce irritation.

3. Stay hydrated with fluids to keep mucus thin and lung defenses primed.

4. Consider abstaining from vaping completely when sick to let your respiratory system recover.

5. Disinfect vaping equipment regularly and change coils often to decrease bacteria exposure.

6. See a doctor promptly if coughing lasts over a week after illness to check for pneumonia.

Youth face higher risks from vaping while sick

  • Youths and teens remain especially susceptible to potential vaping dangers while ill:
  • Young lungs keep maturing into the 20s, making youths more prone to vaping damage and later infection.
  • Teens are less likely to seek timely medical care for pneumonia red flags like nasty cough. Early treatment is vital.
  • Vaping increases risks of severe respiratory illnesses in youths, which can further raise pneumonia chances.
  • Flavored vape juice boosts appeal and ramps up vaping frequency for teens, heightening pneumonia risk.
  • Peer pressure may encourage risky vaping behaviors in teens, like sharing devices or vaping while sick.

Safest bet for minors is avoiding vaping entirely while lungs are still developing. Parents should monitor closely for any vaping signs and educate kids on the health risks involved.

Pneumonia symptoms

How can you tell if someone vaping while sick may have pneumonia? Warning signs include:

  • Chest pain when breathing or coughing
  • Rapid, shallow breathing and shortness of breath  
  • Fever, chills, sweating
  • Extreme fatigue, weakness, lethargy
  • Confusion, disorientation  
  • Loss of appetite, nausea
  • Rapid heart rate and breathing

A doctor can confirm pneumonia by listening to the lungs and taking a chest xray. With appropriate antibiotics and medical care, pneumonia is treatable, especially when identified early. Seek prompt medical help if these pneumonia symptoms arise.

Diagnosing pneumonia in vapers

Since vaping-related lung illness is a newer clinical phenomenon, doctors may not immediately consider pneumonia in someone with a history of vaping who comes in with respiratory symptoms.

But medical experts stress the importance of taking a vaping history in all patients with lung disease. Diagnostic tests help confirm pneumonia, including:

- Chest x-ray to visualize lung infection.

- CT scan for more detailed lung imaging.

- Sputum culture to identify the infecting organism.

- Blood tests to assess inflammation and oxygen levels.

Prompt diagnosis allows quicker treatment to prevent complications in vapers who develop pneumonia related to their e-cig use.

While more research is still needed, current evidence indicates vaping while sick substantially increases pneumonia risk, particularly among youths and young adults. Prudent precautions like avoiding vaping when ill, proper vaping hygiene, and preventing teen use can help reduce risks. Promptly seeking medical care for any pneumonia symptoms also remains vital. With judicious measures, vapers can balance enjoyment of these products with diligence about their respiratory health.

Please do take good care of yourself when you get sick and it's better try not to get sick. You can enjoy our SKE Crystal Plus, SKE Crystal Bar and all other SKE Vape after you recover.

Frequent Asked Questions

1. What's the difference between bacterial and viral pneumonia?

Bacterial pneumonia is caused by bacteria like Streptococcus pneumoniae, while viral pneumonia is caused by viruses like influenza, RSV, or COVID-19. Bacterial pneumonia often responds better to antibiotics. But appropriate treatment can help in both cases.

2. What is aspiration pneumonia?

Aspiration pneumonia occurs when food, saliva, liquids or vomit is inhaled into the lungs, causing infection. Certain health conditions can increase risk. Vaping could potentially raise aspiration pneumonia chances by inducing frequent coughing and gagging.

3. Can vaping affect COVID pneumonia risk?

Yes, vaping may increase the chances of developing severe pneumonia from COVID-19 infection. One study found dual use of vaping and cigarettes doubled the odds of COVID pneumonia hospitalization. Refraining from vaping while sick with COVID could help reduce pneumonia risk.

4. Can you tell if someone has pneumonia from vaping versus smoking?

It is difficult to clinically differentiate between pneumonia caused by vaping versus traditional smoking. Both irritate and damage lung tissues in similar ways. Doctors will consider any history of smoking, vaping, or dual-use when diagnosing pneumonia.

5. What is the best way to prevent pneumonia from vaping?

The most effective way to prevent vaping-related pneumonia is to avoid vaping altogether, especially while sick. Other preventive tips include good vaping hygiene, avoiding vaping in excess, refraining from THC vaping oils, and abstaining from dual cigarette and e-cigarette use.