Is Vaping Safe While Breastfeeding? The Latest Research and Risks
10/27/2023, 9:04:53 AM 1832
In SKEVAPE's opinion, it's not safe.
Vaping has become a popular trend in recent years, leading many new moms to ask – is it safe to vape when breastfeeding? With health experts still studying the long-term effects of vaping, we know for now that the answer is no. Most of the studies show that the nicotine vaped will pass from a person’s lung into the blood and breast milk. Therefore, it is not safe to vape while a mother is breastfeeding.
What exactly do we know so far about vaping and breastfeeding? How the nicotine from a mother’s breastmilk will influence a baby? Let’s take a detailed look at the potential risks and impacts.
What We Know About Nicotine and Breastfeeding?
First and foremost, research clearly shows that nicotine from vaping passes through breast milk. One study found nicotine metabolites in 100% of breast milk samples from women who vaped daily.
When a breastfeeding mother inhales nicotine, it quickly absorbs into the bloodstream, and a portion ends up in breast milk to be ingested by the infant. Even small amounts of nicotine can impact a baby’s development. Known effects of nicotine exposure from breastmilk include:
- Disrupted sleep cycles and waking patterns
- Increased heart rate and blood pressure
- Decreased milk consumption, which can inhibit growth
- Potential long-term effects on brain and lung development
Nicotine also remains in breast milk longer than in the mother’s bloodstream. This means babies can continue ingesting nicotine even after the mother stops feeling the effects.
Other Vaping Ingredients and Considerations
Aside from nicotine, propylene glycol (PG) and vegetable glycerin (VG) in vape juice also enter breast milk when vaping. One study found these compounds in 82% of samples from breastfeeding vapers.
Unfortunately, little research has examined how PG or VG exposure impacts breastfed babies. One concern is that PG breaks down into propylene oxide after ingestion, a known carcinogen. More studies are still needed on the potential developmental effects of these compounds.
Additionally, the vast array of vape juice flavors introduces other chemicals that may also transfer to breast milk. Food-grade flavorings are generally considered safe for eating, but their effects from inhalation or on breastfed newborns are less specific.
More discussions here in quora: Is it okay to smoke vape without nicotine for a breastfeeding mother?
Potential Risks of Secondhand Vapor Exposure
Secondhand vapor exposure is another issue for breastfeeding mothers who vape around their babies. Even if a mother avoids vaping right before feeding, the lingering presence of nicotine and other chemicals can pose risks to an infant’s developing lungs and respiratory health.
Some studies suggest secondhand vapor may impair lung functioning in young children more than secondhand smoke. Breastfeeding mothers are advised to avoid vaping near infants and children. Thirdhand residue sticking to surfaces and clothing also carries risks.
The Bottom Line
Given the known presence of nicotine and the potential for other vaping chemicals to enter breastmilk, health experts caution against vaping while breastfeeding. Until more thorough research is conducted, vaping exposes infants to uncertain developmental risks.
Nicotine is the main concern, as it directly impacts newborns through breastmilk ingestion. But propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, and flavors may also impose risks that require further study. Babies’ developing lungs and brains are especially vulnerable.
Speaking to your pediatrician about cessation options is recommended for mothers who are currently vaping, along with regular monitoring of the baby’s health markers. There are many effective resources available to wean off nicotine while continuing to breastfeed as recommended safely.
While more research is still needed, the consensus among experts is to avoid or abstain from vaping while breastfeeding whenever possible. Your baby depends on you for vital nourishment and the earliest exposures that influence lifelong health. Considering eliminating vaping helps ensure your breastmilk provides the absolute best start for your infant as they grow.