WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.
YOUTH PREVENTION(21+): For Existing Adult Smokers And Vapers Only.

Thicker Vape Clouds or Your Health – Which Really Matters Most?

10/26/2023, 1:41:14 PM 1083

Vaping has become a widespread cultural phenomenon, especially among youth and young adults. One aspect that has emerged is an emphasis on performing vape tricks and producing the biggest, thickest plumes of vapor. While dense cloud production has social appeal, prioritizing safety and health should always come first when vaping.

The Allure of Big Vape Clouds

One factor driving the popularity of vaping is the ability to perform tricks and blow impressive clouds using e-cigarettes. This practice, known as cloud chasing, has spawned vape trick competitions, Instagram accounts dedicated to showcasing vapor stunts and conventions where modders tweak devices for maximum cloud production. For participants, the draw is both the theatrical, competitive fun of big clouds and earning social clout through skilled performances.

To chase clouds, vapers often use sub-ohm tanks and high-powered box mods able to generate 100+ watts for hotter, denser vapor. Mechanical mods with fewer electrical safety features are also popular for cloud chasing, as are rebuildable atomizers and customized coils. These rigs differ greatly from early vape pens intended primarily for nicotine delivery in compact form factors. Now, vape aesthetics and vapor production are central concerns.

More info: The Culture of Vaping and Meaning of E-cigarettes.

Health Risks of Cloud Chasing

While thick plumes look impressive, the quest for the biggest clouds could compromise vapers’ respiratory health. Sub-ohm devices and high voltage settings heat e-liquids to extreme temperatures. Inhaling very hot vapor can irritate lung tissue and airways. Dehydration is another issue, as enormous clouds deplete fluid levels. High-VG juices also coat mouth membranes, impairing their function.

Additionally, chasing clouds often entails quickly sucking down large volumes of e-liquid. This can mean inhaling extremely high, unsafe levels of nicotine. Some competitive vapers even aim to reach nicotine overdose for an intense buzz, risking vomiting, dizziness, and other symptoms. Essentially, the desire for huge clouds could lead vapers to overdo it and potentially harm themselves.

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Vaping Responsibly

There are ways to enjoy vaping while still being mindful of health. Using lower voltage mods and temperatures keeps vapor cooler to avoid damaging the lungs. High PG e-liquids also create a tighter, thinner mouthfeel.

Rather than obsess over cloud output, flavor chasers focus on the subtleties of e-liquid recipes. Or, cloud competitions aside, many vapers are satisfied with moderate vapor production as they enjoy nicotine satisfaction.

For those set on churning clouds, removing nicotine entirely is an option. This allows chasing vapor tricks without the addiction component if one wants to minimize risks.

Prioritizing Health Over Looks

Ultimately, informed vapers need to make sensible choices with their long-term well-being in mind rather than chasing temporary social rewards. This may mean opting for pods like SKE Crystal Bar over mech mods. It means keeping wattages and temperatures at reasonable levels. Vapers should monitor themselves when vaping for any coughing, chest pain, headaches, and other symptoms signaling harm.

While some risks always exist with vaping, blowing huge clouds is one particular trend that is straining safety margins. There are many cautionary tales of competitive vapers ending up hospitalized after aggressive sessions. Moderation and common sense are key to ensuring vaping remains an enjoyable hobby, not a health hazard.


Vaping can provide an entertaining pastime and even support a whole tricks-based culture for hobbyists. However, users still must act responsibly and retain health as the top priority. Going to extremes and using intense, unsafe settings just to maximize cloud output takes things too far for the sake of superficial recognition. Know your limits, listen to your body, and weigh risks versus rewards. Keeping vaping enjoyable long-term means not getting carried away chasing thick clouds today.